So apparently, I’m at the point in life where I run races to celebrate key events. Yes, you read that right. My 12th wedding anniversary weekend with my husband, Jason, involved waking up at 7am, putting on running shoes, and running a 5K together. What happened to romantic brunches and leisurely strolls, you ask? Apparently, we’re into sweating it out on the trails now!

The Cary Greenways Tour 5k was… well, let’s just say it was “nature’s obstacle course.” Picture narrow paths with tree branches and rocky terrain that had me dodging like I was playing a real-life game of Mario Kart. Not to mention the hills – oh, the hills. And because the universe likes to keep things spicy, it was humid, of course. I have officially accepted that humidity will be my life-long running partner as I have yet to run any race without sweat absolutely pouring down my body.

I didn’t get my best time, but hey, I adjusted my pace (because not falling on my face seemed more important than a personal record). Jason and I finished together, which was actually kind of a perfect way to celebrate: struggling through the course but crossing the finish line hand in hand – because that’s basically marriage, right?

After the race, we got our well-earned medals, pounded some water, and rewarded ourselves with all the good stuff North Carolina has to offer. We absolutely crushed a brunch at Press Coffee, Crepes, and Cocktails which is so appropriately named for all the delicious things it offers. If you are in the Durham area and looking for an amazing breakfast, I HIGHLY recommend this place. Post brunch both of us hit a wall and crashed for a guilt-free (aka childfree) 3-hour nap.

The rest of the weekend was spent walking around the lovely cities of Durham and Raleigh – shopping, eating, drinking, more shopping, more eating…you get the gist.

Back to the reality of the real world. Now, with only 40 days left until my half marathon, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous. If a 5K on a tricky trail can wear me out, the thought of 13.1 miles in November is daunting. Time to kick my training into overdrive so I can cross that next finish line without needing life support. Admittedly my training has taken a bit of a back seat with the busy schedules that come with Fall. Events, soccer games, weekend festivals, etc. As the weather turns a bit cooler and the days get shorter, it’s also more and more challenging to get out there at 5am and 6am in the pitch dark to run any number of miles. BUT, if I am successfully going to run the Half Marathon, I need to give my training everything I’ve got. I don’t want to get to race day and regret not having put in the time on feet I needed to finish the race or have any doubts in my mind that I am prepared because I put in the work.

Anyway, anniversaries are starting to look a lot different these days, but honestly? I wouldn’t have it any other way. A very happy anniversary to my best friend who has been by my side for over 15 years and has provided the most amazing support as I learn the ins and outs of becoming a runner. This support includes a lot of early mornings, driving me to races, waiting at the finish line, buying me lots of running gear, listening to me complain about how hungry I am, and always, always lending a supportive ear and advice when I begin to doubt myself

I couldn’t do it without you, love! <3

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