Today, I ran 10 miles as part of my half marathon training team, and I’m not exaggerating when I say – it was probably my best run ever. I don’t know what magic clicked today – maybe I was inspired by watching the Chicago Marathon, maybe it was the crisp fall weather, or perhaps it was the fact that I finally cracked the code on how to fuel properly. Yes, folks, it only took me months of running, but I think I’ve got it down. I started the morning with a half of a blueberry bagel with peanut butter and downed 4 glasses of water + 8oz of electrolytes. That got me started. The weather was definitely on my side this morning too. Cool but not cold, and thankfully, no humidity! I kept reminding myself to stick to the fueling plan: a gel every 45 minutes, water and electrolytes at each SAG stop, and oh, did I mention there were five SAG stations? Yes, FIVE glorious snack-filled stops. I approached each one like a runner with no shame, grabbing gels, cups of water, and electrolyte drinks like I was stocking up for winter. By the end, my pockets were so stuffed with pretzels I’m surprised I wasn’t clinking with every step. HUGE shoutout to the SAG volunteers – especially the ones who dressed up in celebration of our longest run so far! You all are the real MVPs.

Around mile six, I had the best mid-run surprise: I met a cat. A friendly neighborhood cat just chilling on the sidewalk like, “Oh hey, you look like you could use some encouragement.” Obviously, I had to stop for a quick pet and maybe a conversation about how we both should’ve stayed in bed that morning. Honestly, it might have been the highlight of my run. I considered adopting him and skipping the rest of the miles, but then I remembered my training team might notice if I showed up next week with a cat instead of an 11-mile run under my belt. I also have three other cats who would also be none-too-please. So I settled for a picture instead.

The route itself was a scenic dream, taking me through the Museum District and Jackson Ward where I was treated to a full Halloween extravaganza. The decorations were out in force – skeletons lounging on porches, giant spiders crawling up houses, and witches flying from trees. It was like running through a spooky theme park! SO COOL. Some of these folks are quite talented.

The fueling strategy really worked! By mile eight, I still felt strong (and dare I say, like a real runner?!). No walls, no cramps, and my brain wasn’t playing its usual “why are we doing this?” playlist. I think having the SAG stations as mini checkpoints helped too – every time I stopped for a water break, I felt like I’d just unlocked a power-up. By the last SAG stop, I had so many snacks that I probably could’ve opened my own aid station.

The last two miles flew by, and for the first time ever, I didn’t feel like death in the final stretch. I even felt like I could keep going – which was a weird and wonderful feeling. But I stuck to the plan, finished the 10 miles, and felt proud and excited for what’s next.

Next week, it’s 11 miles – bring it on! I know not every run will feel this great (because, trust me, I’ve had my fair share of tough ones), but I’m holding on to the joy and pride from today. The journey continues, and I can’t wait to see how I’ll feel when I cross that finish line in November.

Let’s go! 💪 #10MilesDown #HalfMarathonTraining #ProudRunner

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