So, I did a thing: I joined the Sports Backers Half Marathon Training Team, and yes, I’m part of the Dalmatians – the group for the slowest newbie runners. Because when it comes to running, I may not be fast, but I’m definitely spotted!

Our first 3-mile run kicked off at a brisk 6:15 a.m. at Richmond City Stadium. Let me tell you, nothing says “I’m ready to be a runner” like dragging yourself out of bed when the world is still mostly asleep. We started with a quick warm-up (which I definitely needed, considering I almost twisted my ankle just stepping out of the car). After a few announcements that I half-listened to (I was still trying to wake up), we set off after another group at 6:30 a.m.

And you know what? I ran the whole thing! The route wound through the beautiful neighborhoods around City Stadium, and honestly, I felt like a running pro – at least until the 2.5-mile mark, when my right knee decided it was time to remind me of its existence and my age. “Hello! Remember me?” it shouted, loud and clear. But hey, I powered through, knee pain and all.

Running with the Dalmatians was like being part of a family. We cheered each other on, shared laughs, and commiserated over the fact that we all felt like we were running through molasses. I realized that it’s not just about the miles; it’s about the camaraderie and encouragement we offer one another.

So here’s to my first run with the Sports Backers Half Marathon Training Team! I might not be the fastest, but with my knee, I’m definitely putting the “fun” in “dysfunctional.” And who knows? By the end of this journey, I might just graduate from the Dalmatians to a more elite pack – one that doesn’t involve a knee brace!

Happy running (and limping)!

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