So, I just completed my first 5K at the Annual Sports Backers Ashland 5K in Ashland, VA, and let me tell you, it was an adventure! The night before the race, I was a bundle of nerves – think less “calm before the storm” and more “storm that just drank three cups of coffee.”

I was so anxious that I accidentally woke up three hours early. Yes, you read that right – 3 a.m. had never looked so horrifying. There I was, wide awake and staring at the ceiling, trying to remember if I could just will myself back to sleep or if I was now a permanent fixture of the morning. After some creative pacing and an embarrassing amount of time spent watching TikTok running videos, I finally decided to get dressed and pace in my kitchen for a little change of scenery.

Ashland is about 45 minutes from Richmond and my sweet angel of a husband woke up at 5am to drive me to my first race. Mainly to support me but also to make sure I got there and back in one piece. Knowing me, my nerves, and my directionally challenged self, I likely would have ended up on the wrong side of Alabama if left to my own devices.

Fast forward to race time, and the weather was absolutely perfect. A beautiful, cool morning, with just enough sun to remind me that I was indeed awake. The crowd buzzed with excitement, and I felt encouraged by all the fellow runners – some were chatting, some were warming up, and some looked just as confused as I felt.

We lined up with the pacers – I was right in front of the walkers with my sad 12-15mi/mile but I was surprised to see just how many people I was shoulder to shoulder with. Okay, so I’m not the slowest runner in the history of everything. Good to know.

And then it happened: I ran the entire 5K! Not only did I run it, but I achieved a personal best and my fastest time in the 3-mile distance! Who knew my legs could actually move that fast when motivated by the possibility of donuts at the finish line? Spoiler: There were no donuts at the finish line. There was also a half marathon taking place at the same time and as I got lapped by runner after runner, I wondered if I was looking at my future as a runner. One day, I will run a half marathon. One day, I might even run after a fast-enough clip to lap someone else just starting their running journey.

Crossing that finish line was surreal. As I received my first-ever medal, I couldn’t help but feel like an Olympic champion (even if the only competition I had was my own nerves). I was so proud of hitting this milestone on my journey toward the half marathon.

So here’s to conquering my first race, surviving the pre-race jitters, and scoring a shiny medal! Who knew running could be this rewarding? Now, if only I could figure out how to wake up at a normal hour without the panic attack next time.

Happy running (and medal-wearing)!

And here’s proof!

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