Let me just start by saying: 7 miles is a lot of miles. Like, if you had asked me a few months ago, “Hey, do you want to run 7 miles in ungodly humidity, drenched in sweat, up what felt like a thousand hills?” I would’ve laughed in your face and gone back to the couch with my snacks. But here I am, having run those 7 freaking miles, and I have…thoughts.

First, let’s talk about the run itself. It was hard. Like, really hard. Remember those hills I mentioned? I swear they were multiplying as I ran. Every time I thought I was in the clear, BOOM – another hill. It was like some cruel joke from the running gods, who must’ve been watching and laughing at my struggle.

Add to that the humidity – oh, the humidity – that made me look like I had just jumped in a pool (only it was my own sweat). No amount of SAG stations (and there were plenty) or water or electrolytes could combat the humidity. When did we move to Florida? I could’ve wrung out my shirt by mile 3 and filled a water bottle. Delightful.

But enough of the negatives – let’s move on to the good stuff. Despite being on the verge of melting, I did have a killer playlist, which was basically the only thing keeping my legs moving. At mile 6, I got to run alongside one of the HMTT coaches, and we chatted. It was honestly so nice to have some human interaction that didn’t involve me gasping for air or complaining about the hills. She’s been training the HMTT groups for 20 years which is incredible and really inspiring.

Lastly, running through the city is amazing. The sights, the energy, the enormous houses – it’s just so pretty and distracts you from the fact that your body feels like it’s made of lead. And the best part? I ran 7 freaking miles. That’s right – 7 whole miles! A personal record. Who is this person?! I’m ridiculously proud of myself, despite the sweat, the hills, the humidity, and the fact that my pace was quite shit.

Short little video I took in one of the neighborhoods. Excuse my serial killer breathing…

So yeah, the run was brutal, but I did it. And now, if you need me, I’ll be soaking in an ice bath and probably eating everything in my kitchen.

Happy running (and hill climbing),

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