It’s time to admit it: I have a running shoe problem. But hear me out—each pair has a purpose. I mean, you can’t just wear the same shoes for everything, right?

I’ve got my trusty trail shoes, because apparently, running on dirt requires its own footwear. Then, of course, my road shoes for the pavement, because heaven forbid I run on roads in anything else. Oh, and treadmill shoes—obviously you need specific shoes for running in place.

There are the hiking shoes for when I pretend I enjoy nature, everyday shoes for when I need to look like I might go for a run (but probably won’t), and, of course, the “because they’re pretty” shoes. No real function there, but they make me feel fast just sitting in my closet.

It’s not a problem if they all serve a purpose, right? At least that’s what I keep telling myself…

So, uh, how many shoes do YOU have?

Happy running (in ALL the shoes)!

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