Here’s the deal: I’ve been struggling with a lot of right knee pain while running, which I’m pretty sure is just my body’s way of whispering sweet nothings about how old I’m getting. I can practically hear my knees creaking like an old wooden floor.

After much contemplation (and a lot of bitching and moaning to anyone who would listen), I decided to seek the wisdom of a sports medicine specialist. I walked in with hope and left with a prescription for disappointment. The guy basically told me to stop running because “running is bad” for my poor, ancient joints. And to top it off, he said I have “weak hips.”


I was left feeling like a delicate vintage vase that might shatter at any moment.

Naturally, I decided to ignore his sage advice with good old fashioned “screw you! and a dash of “I’ll show you weak hips!” and carried on my running journey. Who needs a doctor when you have determination and denial? Instead, I sought out a chiropractor, thinking, “Maybe they can crack some sense into my body instead of telling me to stop my beloved running!”

Enter the chiropractor, who, in his infinite wisdom, told me to disregard the sports specialist’s advice. Low key, I’ve always wondered what the deal was with chiropractors and doctors being so competitive. I get it now. Finally, someone who understands my rebellious spirit! He proceeded to crack my body in ways I didn’t think were physically possible – no seriously, my body bends that way?! I left feeling like a brand-new person… or at least a person who could walk without wincing every time I took a step.

Now, I’m the proud owner of two knee braces and an impressive collection of KT tape that looks like I’m preparing for a very low-budget superhero audition, and an every-other-week appointment with my incredible chiro – who is also running the half marathon in November, by the way.

I’ve also embraced strength training, which has made my knee feel a lot better. But here’s the kicker: I. STILL. FEEL. OLD.

Every time I lace up my running shoes, I can’t help but think, “Am I just one more run away from becoming a meme about aging runners?” But hey, if I can keep running – knee pain and all – while mixing in some chiropractic magic and strength training, I’m doing something right, right?

So, here’s to ignoring doctors, embracing chiropractors, and continuing to run, one creaky step at a time!

Happy running (and cracking)!

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