Well, here we are – halfway through training with the Half Marathon Training Team, and there are only 8 weeks left until the big day! Cue the nervous sweating.

I can’t lie – nerves are definitely starting to kick in. The “What am I doing?!” thoughts are popping up more often, usually around mile 5 when my legs feel like they belong to someone much older (and crankier). But there’s also this weird thing happening… I’m making progress! I’ve hit mileage I never thought I’d see, and I’ve survived every run so far (even if I was convinced at least once that I’d need an ambulance).

The biggest surprise? I’m actually enjoying the journey. Don’t get me wrong, the early mornings still suck, the humidity is still my arch-nemesis, and hills are straight from the devil – but there’s something satisfying about pushing through the tough runs and realizing, “Hey, I’m doing this!”


With only 8 weeks left, I’m equal parts terrified and excited. The finish line feels close and impossibly far at the same time, but I know I’m getting there one sweaty step at a time.

Here’s to the next 8 weeks of training, pushing through the pain, and hopefully not face-planting at the finish line!

Happy running (and mild panic)!

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