Category: Uncategorized

  • Today, I ran 10 miles as part of my half marathon training team, and I’m not exaggerating when I say – it was probably my best run ever. I don’t know what magic clicked today – maybe I was inspired by watching the Chicago Marathon, maybe it was the crisp fall weather, or perhaps it…

  • So apparently, I’m at the point in life where I run races to celebrate key events. Yes, you read that right. My 12th wedding anniversary weekend with my husband, Jason, involved waking up at 7am, putting on running shoes, and running a 5K together. What happened to romantic brunches and leisurely strolls, you ask? Apparently,…

  • Something magical happened on my latest long run. No, I didn’t summon a broomstick or cast a spell (although that would have been very on-theme). I did, however, run my first 8 miles, and it felt… gasp… easy?! Like, what? Let’s back up. As part of my half marathon training, I signed up for the…

  • With just 7 weeks left until race day, things are getting real! This week is all about building strength and keeping those miles steady as I prepare for the big day. Here’s the plan: Total for the week: 18 miles. I’ll also be tightening up my nutrition this week and focusing on getting a balance…

  • If you’ve been around the running world for five minutes, you’ve probably heard someone obsessing about their pace. “What’s your pace?” “I PR’d my pace!” “Oh, you ran that pace?” I get it. Pace sounds important. But here’s the thing – it’s totally overrated. Yup, I said it. I’m officially starting the “Who Cares About…

  • There’s something oddly exciting about getting new running stuff – especially when it involves snacks and drinks. I recently treated myself to a stash of goodies, and I have to say, it’s the weirdest mix of lame and thrilling. I mean, who else gets excited about tiny packets of goo and powdered drinks? Oh, right……

  • Ah, the sweet sound of a 3:45 a.m. alarm. No, that’s not sarcasm – you get used to it eventually. Kind of. This morning was another episode of “Why do I do this to myself?” as I joined the Midlothian Mafia for a 5 a.m. track workout. Because what else says “I love running” like…

  • So, according to my official half marathon training plan, today was supposed to be one of those super important “cross training” days. The days in-between your runs when you strength train your muscles (like your weak, weak hips) by lifting heavy and grunting so you can be in peak physical shape to do…more running. You…

  • Well, here we are – halfway through training with the Half Marathon Training Team, and there are only 8 weeks left until the big day! Cue the nervous sweating. I can’t lie – nerves are definitely starting to kick in. The “What am I doing?!” thoughts are popping up more often, usually around mile 5…

  • Let me just start by saying: 7 miles is a lot of miles. Like, if you had asked me a few months ago, “Hey, do you want to run 7 miles in ungodly humidity, drenched in sweat, up what felt like a thousand hills?” I would’ve laughed in your face and gone back to the…