Category: Uncategorized

  • I signed up for my first 10K at the Heart of Virginia Festival in Farmville, VA. Sounds picturesque, right? Beautiful trees swaying in the wind, a babbling brook, sounds of nature etc etc. What I didn’t account for was the fact that this was more of a “nature run” with a tightly packed gravel trail…

  • So, I just completed my first 5K at the Annual Sports Backers Ashland 5K in Ashland, VA, and let me tell you, it was an adventure! The night before the race, I was a bundle of nerves – think less “calm before the storm” and more “storm that just drank three cups of coffee.” I…

  • Here’s the deal: I’ve been struggling with a lot of right knee pain while running, which I’m pretty sure is just my body’s way of whispering sweet nothings about how old I’m getting. I can practically hear my knees creaking like an old wooden floor. After much contemplation (and a lot of bitching and moaning…

  • So, I did a thing: I joined the Sports Backers Half Marathon Training Team, and yes, I’m part of the Dalmatians – the group for the slowest newbie runners. Because when it comes to running, I may not be fast, but I’m definitely spotted! Our first 3-mile run kicked off at a brisk 6:15 a.m.…

  • When it comes to running, I’ve learned one universal truth: not every run is going to be a good one. In fact, some runs are so bad that halfway through, I start wondering if my legs are made of lead and whether I should just take up knitting instead. But there’s a little mantra that…

  • Let’s be real – running without music is like trying to eat ice cream without a spoon. Sure, it’s possible, but it’s messy, uncomfortable, and you’ll probably end up quitting halfway through. That’s why finding the ultimate running playlist is basically a life-or-death situation. Trust me, the right song at the right time can turn…

  • Ah, the joys of running in my small neighborhood, where every step is like déjà vu! Forget exploring new trails or stumbling upon scenic views – here, it’s the same streets, the same mailboxes, and the same barking dog that probably hates me by now. I’ve memorized every crack in the sidewalk, and I could…

  • Okay, seriously – why did no one tell me that training in Virginia’s heat and humidity is like running through soup?! And not the good kind, like grandma’s homemade chicken noodle. No, this is the kind where you’re trapped in a sauna, wearing sneakers, and your body is plotting revenge against you. I signed up…

  • I decided to join a running group called the Midlothian Mafia. This is an incredibly supportive group of ladies and gents who meet up for early morning runs (track and road) every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. In a moment of pure insanity, I decided to join them for a 3-mile run at the ungodly hour…

  • It’s time to admit it: I have a running shoe problem. But hear me out—each pair has a purpose. I mean, you can’t just wear the same shoes for everything, right? I’ve got my trusty trail shoes, because apparently, running on dirt requires its own footwear. Then, of course, my road shoes for the pavement,…