Category: Uncategorized

  • This 4th of July, while most people were prepping for BBQs and fireworks, I decided to really celebrate freedom – by running four miles. To date, this is my longest run yet so the fact that I was able to squeak out more than a couple of miles only a week or so into my…

  • So, I finally caved and joined Strava! You know, because what’s more motivating than having an app track all my suffering in real-time and broadcast it to the world? If you’re unfamiliar, Strava is this magical place where runners, cyclists, and people who like to show off their workouts come together. Naturally, I figured I…

  • Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’m a full-time working mom of two boys, two dogs, and three cats and somehow, between the chaos of meetings, school pickups, soccer dropoffs, stepping on stray LEGO pieces and tripping over dog toys, I’ve decided that running 13.1 miles sounds like a fun idea. Welcome…